Monday 24 October 2016

Tips to use the strapping tapes

We all are aware of the huge benefits that are associated with the strapping tapes. However, one common mistake or carelessness is seen in the process of application of these tapes. Although it involves no rocket science and most of the tapes come with the instruction manuals, check out some of the common aspects that would prove to be helpful to you in this process.

Making the skin ready for the tape
It is very important and the first basic step to prepare your skin or the body part where the tape has to apply. Since these tapes have adhesives and they tend to stick to the body, it is necessary that you remove the hair of that portion where the tape will be applied. You can either shave the hair or remove them with the help of any hair removal cream. This will help you in applying the tape easily and also, when you remove it, you won’t feel any kind of pain or hair breakage.

Focusing on the cleanliness and hygiene before applying the tape is also very important. Make sure you clean the area properly and then dry it with a towel and then only apply the tape. In addition, if you have any cuts or open wounds, make sure they are taken care of before the application of the strapping tape. You can use any normal band aid to cover these.

There are various under wrap lotions available in the market that you can use to make sure that your skin doesn’t feel any kind of problem when the tape is applied. Generally people feel rashes, dryness and little itchiness on the skin when the tape is applied. So application of such lotions before applying the tape in the area that is to be covered will be very helpful.

Applying position
Make sure that when you are applying the tape to any of your joints, they are completely relaxed. Do not apply a tape at a place that has been through exertion as it can restrict the blood flow and cause any kind of problem. Another point to remember is to keep the tape tight when tied. But this doesn’t mean that you are very tight with it. Ensure that you are able to flex your muscles when you tie the tape. This is a sign that the tape is properly tied.

Follow these simple tips and then you would see your pain and problem recovering with a very good speed. is one of the most reliable sellers of the sports strapping tape highly affordable rates and great discounts in Australia. Visit our website to know more about our products, rates and delivery options.

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